Become a member
Only student associations may become members of the Coalition de résistance pour l'unité étudiante syndicale (CRUES). CRUES is composed of CEGEP associations, as well as university departmental, faculty or university-wide associations.
The General Assembly (GA) of members is the supreme governing body of your association and it shares CRUES' principles ?
If so, you're just one step away from joining this Coalition and organizing with other associations in pursuit of shared common goals.
- Consult article 5 and 6 of CRUES' bylaws.
- At your next General Assembly, propose the launch of an affiliation campaign, and set the duration and terms of said campaign and inform CRUES' executive council about it.
- Print CRUES' information material regarding affiliations and distribute it to your association's members.
- Vote on a resolution that includes CRUES' principles and proposes that your association joins this coalition, via a referendum or a GA depending on your association's internal regulations.
It's impossible to overstate the need for a comprehensive presentation of CRUES during an affiliation campaign. The student population needs to be well informed about the aims and principles of CRUES, and they are invited and encouraged to join in the functioning of its bodies and take a part in the decision-making processes.
CRUES makes it possible to join forces across so-called Quebec with student associations whose basic positions are similar to ours:
1) Pool our energies and resources;
2) To achieve democratically established collective and combative strategies;
3) To have greater influence over the government.
In concrete terms, this means :
1) To fully participate in the development of common demands and action plans, as opposed to non-affiliated associations that have no grasp on the campaigns adopted by the larger student union coalitions.
2) Participate in a dynamic democratic process favoring local General Assemblies, which remain fully independent (so that no associations lose their independence);
3) To be part of a transparent organization that encourages its members to get involved, and that makes it a priority to keep the student population constantly informed, and that produces information material for mass distribution on a regular basis;
4) Carry out information and mobilization campaigns on the scale of so-called Quebec while sharing the costs equitably;
5) Seek support and expertise from other student associations to better organize ourselves locally;
6) Use a strategy based on the power of numbers, which has proven effective throughout history in bringing victories to the student movement;
8) Have a long-term vision to fight for greater access to post-secondary education, for recognition of student work, and for the remuneration of all internships.