Hello comrades,

Several people, student associations and activist groups met last week to prepare the mobilization for International Interns' Day on November 10, 2023. Please find attached the minutes of this meeting. It's now time to call for strikes and demonstrations, so that the movement can gain momentum. We now invite student associations to add their names to the end of the letter, so that together we can demand that all internships be salaried. lettre This letter is also intended as a mobilization tool to be distributed to students to inform them about the internship campaign and encourage participation in the various pressure tactics. You'll find the letter attached, or here's the link: call for strikes and demonstrations.

We also invite you to attend the second Mobilization Committee for International Interns' Day. The link to the Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1vuQVq63I. The first committee was a great success, and we need a second meeting to continue the mobilization momentum. We're inviting all students, activists, groups, student associations and unions wishing to defend the right to paid internships to this second mobilization committee on Thursday, October 5 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to all and will be offered on a bimodal basis. The meeting location will be announced shortly, and the Zoom link will be: https://uqam.zoom.us/j/6922663088.

In solidarity,

Coalition de Résistance pour l’Unité Étudiante Syndicale (CRUES)

PV:Procès verbal du Comité de mobilisation pour la journée internationale

Motion Template: